2015: Pray If You Need to Fly

There are days when we need to know God understands our concernsespecially when it comes to taking care of aged parents. My wife and I encountered two unexpected surprises.

29/June/2015. Marti meħtieġa biex jiksbu l Sydney fuq titjira qabel fl-aħħar minuta. I kellhom ibiddlu titjira tluq tagħha jum wieħed qabel minn 1 Lulju sa 30 Ġunju. The ticket was a simple lowest cost economy class that was originally booked in April. I requested for the change less than 36 siegħa qabel it-tluq. Get this. I ltqajna sedil, but here’s the amazing thing…I also got a $7.90 rifużjoni. I can understand we have to pay a changing fee (li jiena għamilt) but I got a shock of my life when I received a refund from Qantas Airways. I qatt ma ltaqgħu magħhom każ fejn sibt rifużjoni għall-bdil titjiriet!

X'hemm daqshekk sinifikanti dwar jkollna ftit $7.90 rifużjoni? Big deal dritt? Well it was a big deal. Marti kienet oriġinarjament skedata biex tmur Sydney fuq 1 Lulju biex jattendu tieġ tal-familja. An unexpected incident happened where her mum suddenly suffered a stroke, and my wife had to rush to see her before 1 Lulju. L-emozzjoni morr-ħelu ta 'ser-għajnuna ta' wieħed iħobb, u jiċċelebraw tieġ l-istess ġimgħa kien diffiċli.


27/Jul/2015. My wife was now back in Singapore. My wife planned to go back to Sydney to see her mum and family again. Her desire was to go on 3 Awissu. Flights to Sydney were very expensive at this time of the year. I had been monitoring the airfare on Scoot, Qantas, Singapore Airlines over 2 ġimgħat. All expensive. Using my Singapore Airlines frequent flyer points to redeem a seat on the cheapest Economy Saver class at the end of July/early Aug was extremely difficult, to say the least. Frequent flyer seats were available, but they were on a higher class.

On that morning, I logged in to the Singapore Airlines website. What were the chances of getting a Economy Saver seat to Sydney on 3 Awissu? I proceeded to check. To my amazementlo and behold, there was one available seat at the 8:15pm flight using the Economy Saver class on the 3 August to Sydney. Just one. This was just one week before departure and God provided that one seat needed. I was very encouraged because it is very difficult to redeem frequent flyer seats in general 1 week before departure! I quickly booked the seat. The flight on the A380 was nearly completely full as I was selecting seats for my wife. Once that was done, I checked the Singapore Airlines website, and there were no more Saver seats. 3 days later, I rechecked and basically all the Saver, Standard seats were gone (see below).

Singapore Sydney frequent flyer

Salmi 18:6 jgħid, "Fil periklu tiegħi I talab lill-Mulej, I cried lil Alla tiegħi għall-għajnuna. Minn tempju tiegħu huwa jinstema vuċi tiegħi; cry tiegħi daħal quddiemu, fil-widnejn tiegħu ". Il- $7.90 refund and the ability to get a Saver class seat on the exact day we wanted to go, one week before departure helped my faith fly. Lezzjonijiet li tgħallmu: Pray to God for help when you need it. God jistgħu jwieġbu inti bl-aktar mod mhux mistennija.


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